Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Sequence of Events

The time has come. For the last two weeks Gavin has been climbing out of his crib when he wakes up in the morning and occasionally after naps. It hasn't been much of a problem because falling asleep has always been a breeze in our house....until yesterday. Shortly after I laid the boys down for a nap, I was greeted by a proud two year old, "Mommy I wake up!" I replaced Gavin in his crib and shut the door again. This repeated for over an hour until finally, he gave up. That night, Daddy converted his crib into a toddler bed. We made a big deal out of the exciting new phase and Gavin was thrilled!

This is how I found him this morning..

Meanwhile, Lincoln is watching intently from inside his crib with a HUGE smile and lots of giggles! oh no....I'm really in trouble if this one gets out.


Laci said...

OH NO!!!! NOT THE TODDLER BED! :) He does look mighty cute in that big boy bed. Good luck with bedtimes/naptimes....I hope they're easier for you than they are for me!!!! And Mr. Lincoln...don't even think about it!!!

Melissa said...

The pictures are hysterical! I'm hoping this is an easy transition for you guys. I'm sure Lincoln won't be too far behind now. :O