Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Surgery Day

Yesterday's cochlear implant surgery went very well! We checked in to UCLA at 6:00am in the morning. We read books and played with Lincoln, distracting him from his hunger pains.

By 7:45am Lincoln was taken into the operating room. He was so brave and was happy to be held and taken in by a very pretty Anesthesiologist. Dusty and I waited in the waiting room for two and a half hours, biting our nails. About 10:00am the Surgeon came out to tell us that the surgery was done and everything went great. He said Lincoln did very well and was waiting for us in the recovery room. When we got there, he was slightly awake and very unhappy. For the next two hours we held him and tired to keep him happy.

He has a turban looking dressing on his head that will hopefully stay on till Friday. With his hair sticking out the top, he reminds me of a troll. Around noon we were discharged and able to head home. Although we were exaushted and thankful to be going home, we couldn't believe they were sending us home so quickly - like being in a factory. Once Lincoln was in the car he was much happier and slept the whole way home.

At home, Lincoln was starting to feel the pain. He was prescribed Tylenol (that's it? Are you kidding me?).

We loaded him with pain meds and within a few hours he was back to his normal self - crawling all over the house, up and down the stairs, and that big cheesy smile!!

Thanks you for your prayers and happy thoughts! We are so relieved to have this day behind us.


katie said...

It's so amazing what we can do now with modern medicine. What a strong and brave little boy (Mom and Dad too, that must have been a very long 2 hours!)
How long until they know if the implant worked?

Melissa said...

What a champ!!! He looks wonderful! I'm so proud of all of you.

Robyn...Mom said...

Poppy says: each day I get the previlege of being with my grandson, he teaches me that life is gift to be treasured.

Monique said...

I'm so glad to hear the surgery went so well, I had no doubt, he's such a strong and happy little guy:)

Laci said...

Yay!! Such good news. Glad to hear he's back to his happy self! Love those smiles!!

Dana said...

So glad things went well. The picture of hims so uncomfortable made me cry! And reading what "Poppy" said makes me cry even harder! What a sweet family that you have!

Jan said...

Oh my, I am having the same emotions as Dana! We girls are an emotional bunch. What a great family you have!

Jan said...

BTW, I'm happy things went so well and Lincoln is feeling better!