Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010

Our Christmas began on Christmas Eve at my parents house. The kids played outside with their cousins for a while and were happy to be outside after a long rainy week.

My family is rapidly growing with 7 kids now, they need their own dinner table. We fed the kids first and then had a nice relaxing adult dinner afterward.

Then the gift giving began....

The next morning we woke up and came down stairs to see what Santa had left us.

He filled our stockings and left a Lightning McQueen cars, slippers, and a road mat for the kids. They were in heaven! After coffee and breakfast, we headed into the living room to unwrap more gifts.

Gavin and Lincoln loved unwrapping their presents. It was the first year they were really into it. They were easily pleased with jets, animals, GeoTracks, Light Sabers, and Buzz Light Year guns. We had to venture outside for some playtime on such a beautiful day.

After naps, cleaning, and some more cooking, we went to Dusty's parents house for dinner and what do you know....more gifts!

We are thankful for our many blessings this year. Life couldn't be better than this!

~Merry Christmas ~

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Thanks for sending me the pictures!