Friday, June 12, 2009

Knotts Berry Farm

On Monday the boys and I tagged along with Evan and Macy on their trip with Grammy and Poppy to Knotts Berry Farm. They were babysitting the kids for my sister Melissa and treated them to a fun day. Gavin and Lincoln went on a few rides like the Wild West Train and Horse Drawn Stage Coach. I enjoyed riding all the rides with Evan, pretending I was a kid again. We mostly enjoyed just getting out of the house for a walk on such a beautiful day!


Melissa said...

Evan still talks about how he and Auntie Em rode together on the big cars. What a sight! Wish I had seen that!

Thanks for accompanying Evan on the rides! You're a GREAT Auntie!

Dana said...

Hey Emily:
I have a private blog now and would love for you to still be a reader. Please email me so I can send you an invite (I don't have your email address!) :)
