Friday, January 23, 2009

9 months

Gavin and Lincoln turned 9 months old yesterday. I can't believe it! Where did the last nine months go? It flew by. Why couldn't those nine months or pregnancy fly my this fast? Wait a minute, I guess it was only 7 months. Anywhoo... their first birthday is approaching quickly which I am NOT looking forward to. They are growing up way to quick!

Speaking of growing up - the boys have all kinds of new tricks. Gavin weighs 19 pounds; he is a heffer! He is sitting up on his own. He rolls over every once in a while, not because he can't but because he is mello and doesn't care to. He eats rice cereal, oatmeal, and his favorite, veggies! He makes quite the mess. His first word was DA-DA! He says it all day long.

Lincoln weighs 13 pounds now. He is starting to catch up. He loves to roll over. As soon as I set him down he rolls right over to his tummy. He sleeps on his tummy with his little butt in the air - it is too cute! He is starting to babble and makes the cutest noises. He had surgery yesterday to repair his hernias. Everything went well. He is one tough cookie! I was able to spend the night with him at the hospital and never left his side.

1 comment:

nicole said...

So glad to hear that Lincoln's surgery went well and I can't believe how much Gavin has grown! Time really flies- I love to see what an amazing mom you are!