Thursday, April 28, 2011


At age 3, Gavin loves the simple things in life. He loves to 'Cheers' everyone at the dinner table, take baths, and go to the park. He has a thing for animals. Especially ocean animals. The orca whale and manatee are his two favorites. Gavin loves cookies, cars, penguins, the beach, his cousins, hide and go seek, and MILK. On his 3rd birthday we spent the afternoon at our park. It was a beautiful day. Here are a few pictures...

(that's icing from a cupcake - he is sharing with his animal friends)

At age 3 Lincoln is a happy boy. He too enjoys the simple things in life like saying "Cheers" at dinner. Lincoln loves to play outside and help Daddy mow the lawn. He loves to GO - go to school, shopping, anywhere. His shoes are always on and ready to jump in the car. He loves people, climbing, coloring, piggy-back rides, taking a shower, ring a round the roses, the beach, park, and his brother! Here are some pictures of Lincoln's afternoon at the park...

(Apparently the icing is delicious!)

After the park and a short nap, Mommy and daddy took the boys to Build-A-Bear for the first time. The boys each picked out a bear, stuffed it, picked out a special heart to put inside the bear, and helped sew it up.

Then we headed over to the Rain Forest Cafe for dinner and ice cream sundae's.

It was a perfect day!

Happy 3rd Birthday my boys :)


Jan said...

They've come a long way baby! 3...yes indeed, a perfect day!

Melissa said...

Happy birthday! It's so hard to believe they're three! They bring such joy to our family! We love them bunches!