Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Activation day was amazing! I knew the second the Audiologist turned on Lincoln's implant it was a good sign. He jumped, and then immediately started crying and leaped into my lap to be held. We spent the next two hours in the Audiologists office learning how to work the device. Lincoln cried the entire time. It was a bitter sweet day!

The following few days were really tough. Lincoln was petrified by all the new sounds he was hearing. I felt like I was torturing him. He didn't even want to open his eyes. He would just stay in my arms the entire day burying his face in my chest. I have to admit, I was really enjoying the cuddling. After 3-4 days I was able to distract him and he would begin to forget that the implant was on. However, if it fell off (which it does often, we would have to start the process all over again).

This week Lincoln is finally beginning to get back to his normal self. He takes a few minutes to adjust to the implant in the morning. He is still trying to make sense of his new world with sound. I've been told this adjustment will take a few months but soon he will begin to localize sound and begin imitating.

The most exciting part of all of this is that it's just in time for his 2nd birthday. This year, Lincoln will be able to hear his family and friends sing happy birthday to him for the first time! Something I've been looking forward to for a long time! I can't wait!!


Monique said...

That's amazing, Congratulations guys! How exciting for Lincoln! Just another BIG step for your strong little man!

Jan said...

Happiness, tears, goose bumps,are just a few of the feelings this post triggered! Oh what a happy day! I'm so happy for your little guy, and family.

Dana said...

The last few sentences about being able to hear happy birthday being sung to him...unbelievable! I am so happy that he is beginning to grasp this wonderful word (with its many sounds) around him. Congratulations!

Dana said...

world...not word ---haha sorry! :)